It is so obvious that our work is being ghost banned/hidden and deliberately evaded that certain organisations are shitting themselves, and certain individuals are gnashing their teeth in envy !

Just look at the troll-faced Iain Davis now, ripping off your comment a few weeks ago (about real vote figures) and turning it into an essay a few days ago....yet where was any credit ?

Where was any credit for 'realising' there were two Hibbert Photos , that he included in a smarmy manner ?

The controlled opposition Game is on its last legs....they are ALL now overt..... and just playing a time vampire/distraction game with the public.

I look forward to seeing this great bit of thinking about the Hibbert case being plagiarised and posted elsewhere, just like various bits of my writing have been posted by others , even including the ellipses and insults, again with no gratitude or credit when deserved... In a way it is quite flattering.

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You refer to "two Hibbert Photos". Are you meaning 2 different photos allegedly taken in the restaurant (prior to the concert)? If so, can you post links to these 2 different photos please?

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Done already Malcolm, see the first 'note' here.


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I'll take a look.

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Apparently I am you or an imposter according to someone on Iain Davis's substack called 'Protrue', this is after I questioned the validity of "EVE" which this 'protrue' character seems a bit sensitive about.

So I did a bit of digging and noticed the exchanges, some quite hilarious.

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Proturd is simply phuking mental 😂.

Thanks for appreciating our 'exchanges' with it.

It is seemingly 'a seriously insidious team of trolls', something to do with Sarah Plummy of Guerrilla Education.

My sister, some mates, & me spent a while dealing with it & messing it about, so much so that it is hyterically paranoid & recently called Nic Kollerstrom an impostor, after he agreed with a girlfriend of ours comment. It can not comprehend content beyond its feeble scope so resorts to infantile , cliched belittlement instead- like all trolls.

I would imagine that substack is a massive training ground for trolls, controlled ops & 77B type manipulations, so be wary , but have fun !

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So much bullshit and these so-called supporters of RDH and "truth" cannot even question the "EVE" phenomenon, and it is a miraculous phenomenon, including how a flash photograph can produce lipstick and eye make-up.

Aisling O'Loughlin v Iain Davis! What a fucking disaster, you only need to dismiss the Bickerstaff footage with the testimony of Jordan Kenney who is in the fucking video! Yet this idiot has written a fucking book about the event and failed miserably with that disinfo witch!

Then RDH's "Statment Analysis of Manchester Victims" as if you need that drawn out bollocks to 'prove' people are lying! RDH is fucking dodgy, he has to be - in the Bickerstaff footage he concentrated on the 'TV Screen' apparently showing the performance as "proof" it was filmed during the Ariana set, well it turns out the screens do not show that, but the point is RDH using that as evidence (when clearly you could see fuck all on those screens) was the FIRST time alarm bells rang for me.

MANY more since then, the drawn-out CCTV footage, if you wade through that pile of shite then you need a labotomy.

You ONLY need to point out the obvious LIES and LIARS but somehow these two jokers are fucking milking it and churning it so much it's all turned out to be a lumpy mess.

EVE is a fucking fantasy, name not a coincidence just like the "22".

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Jordan Kenney blows apart Bickerstaff footage yet Iain Davis is too dumb to holster this decisive weapon against a fucking useless witch like Aisling?

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A lil note, "cabal" use among others the bi-baal as a playbook / script / pred prog. So they also LOVE names from the bibel... here it is Eve, at SH it was ADAM (but he was the "shooter", here eve is a victim). This is only an example what I write here it ofc much more also they may hide codes like "CIA" or "LIE" in names or also DIE plus "sexuell innuendos" EDIT, see also ANGEL COLON ...lol Or Dr. LUBE in the same orlando event. Also in Berlin truck attack, ANIS AMRI = ANUS... and ANIS is in Germany a spice for christmas bakery ( the "attack" was at the christmas market). Seems they have a laugh too w/ the names :P

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Where’s your other comments re Hibbert and The Bill?

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Hi, Nushi mentioned you were looking for this ? AvBest.


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Brilliant! Thanks so much. I couldn’t find it!

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The fact that Davis dismissed this excellent post (which is far superior to any drivel he’s ever penned) and was so abominably rude to you, shows how deceptive and arrogant Davis is in all his dealings with those who see through his evasions and fallacies.

I’ve linked to this piece and your note on the restaurant photos in my first post on substack. Thanks for putting together these posts and points.

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Cheers for that,

old fashioned (& now scarce) acts of gratitude are greatly appreciated.

Davis & his mercenary maggots overplayed it, while being too desperate to underplay it.

I ended up thinking that most of his fans were either infantile or terminal neurotics (& of course plants), & everything since has cemented that beyond doubt.

The irony is- I did the photo comparison to HELP HALL, because of the potential weight his court case represented for us all; then due to his arrogant (& then subversively malicious) response it became very overt he wanted to go through some farcical performance & make 'enemies' instead.

I'm thankful how things transpired (as usual), I learnt a lot during it all.

If HALL & DAVIS hadn't acted as they did, their troll fanatics hadn't acted as they did, & Davis not been such a sell out typing turd, then Nushi would never have started interacting & writing here, & your pertinent overview wouldn't have been 'penned for posterity' - & neither would I have ever witnessed that the other images of the elusive 'Eve Hibberty specter' never had any ears!

Your overview on Hall was great to see & raises several issues that others have evaded or not even noticed. You provide a bigger picture of the game-board these seriously mediocre chess pieces are fixed upon & what is dictating their movements.

I also enjoyed the fact that both You & Nushi do not indulgently waffle to get your points across, with great use of LINKS instead of a detour of mini essays.

I'm looking forward to what you explore next, good luck with it - whatever it is, or may be!

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Thanks! I appreciate the compliments.

Davis and Hall, ultimately revealed through their actions and lack of appreciation why they were avoiding your post and numerous well stated points.

They revealed what they were trying to convey with the trial psyop.

~ Hall as a persecuted martyr. False.

His role was over and he was being transitioned to something more useful. In some humiliation ritual where Hall probably gains another degree up the staircase, and a chunk of change.

~ Hall as the breaker of the story. That never happened. It was always other researchers that expose these hoaxes.

~ Hall as a symbol of “societal illness” for all those who dare question ‘tragedy and terror’ in the media.

~ The Crown as being an all powerful and legitimate force that can impoverish you if you speak out and deny media ‘stories’.

These are Hall’s and Davis’ real tasks. Reinforcing illusions.

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May 29
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Thank you,

I just got in from a night out taking photos and saw your comment, and also read the latest support you've given on the Iain Davis comments section- hilarious insults and insights - and very much appreciated. Many thanklings to you too ! 😋

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